Monday, March 22, 2010

Little boys and guns...

This is one of the 3 tubs of "weapons" we have in our home as well as two trunks full of dart guns!

Well I have to admit I am one of "those" parents. You know the kind that say "my child will never..." I was always very careful about the things I shared before being inducted into parenthood. I knew that the second you said my child will never..........well your confidence and arrogance just insured that your chances greatly increased that your child will full force do whatever it is that you so dreaded. Are you curious yet??????

I am guilty of saying................ My child won't have guns or get into that kind of play. Guns hurt people. LOL LOL LOL LOL Unless you are privileged enough to raise one of God's little warriors then it is difficult for you to totally comprehend and appreciate all that little boys entail. I quickly learned that it doesn't matter how you shelter or safeguard you little boys. They will make weapons out of anything. They are drawn to danger and have a craving for rescuing and protecting. It's their inner desire to fight evil. After all that is what God created men to be. His intentions were for men to be strong, courageous, protectors, and providers. So here I am today with ample guns, swords, light sabors, laser guns, bow n arrows, and dart guns helping Park and Pax fight bad guys. (I believe there is certainly a line to be drawn about weapons and I do believe that children must learn bout the dangers of real weapons, but for now role playing and fighting bad guys is a big deal in our household.) So I am pretty much saying I told you so to myself. Yet this I told you so doesn't seem to be so bad. I take it as a compliment when Parker tells me I am an "awesome ninja or really great at fighting bad guys." I do cherish these sweet words because I know they will soon only be memories.

Wild at Heart by John Eldredge
An oldie but oh so good!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this! It is so, so true. I thought about it every day teaching twos and it's still the same in kindergarten, as you well know. How many free draw creations have turned into guys and guns? I just turn my head, say don't shoot it in the classroom, and move on:) I love, love, love Wild At Heart. Have you also read The Way of the Wild Heart? It is at least as good as it's prequel. Much love!
