Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Easter Bunny Attacked....

Hurrying to keep up with Parker..even though Parker shares Paxson still wants his fair share. :)
Chillin in the front window checking out all their yummy candy.

Gigi called late Saturday and said her and Gammer were missing the boys and wanting to come see them. They hopped in the car, stopped in OKC to do a little Easter shopping and arrived around 8:30pm. Just in time to stir the boys up a little before bedtime. haha Just kidding, you are welcome to come stir them up anytime!

Following the trails upstairs...

Checking out Easter surprises...

And the tradition continues..... Easter morning the boys awoke about 5:30. They both slept upstairs with Gigi and she tried to keep them in Parker's room for a while. (Poor Gigi ended up trying to sleep on the floor and at the foot of the bed due to Parker and Paxson being such great sungglers. So next visit sleeping arrangements will be different. :) After the the 3rd text from Gigi I knew I better get busy. The Easter bunny can't leave chocolate trails all night any longer due to our precious Lizzie. We learned very quickly if the Easter bunny visits late in the night Lizzie awakes and gets into the chocolate trails of candy. I woke up Casey and told him the Easter bunny better get busy making trails. I ran upstairs to entertain the boys. As we anxiously waited upstairs we heard a loud commotion. The "Easter Bunny" tripped and nearly fell down the stairs. That was about all the boys could take they could couldn't wait any longer. Parker just knew he was going to catch the Easter bunny. :) So we all hurried downstairs to follow the trails of candy to our Easter surprises. A perfect start to a Magical Day. Thank you Father for your sacrifice. We are sorry when we get in a hurry and forget to share our appreciation for all you have done and continue to do. WE are grateful and treasure your love!

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