Monday, April 26, 2010


This has been one of those posts. You know the kind that you sit down and start typing and your mind rambles so fast your fingers simply can not keep up. So please forgive my rambling thoughts.

Our family is facing a very important decision and lately worries have been pretty heavy on the mind! With our decision for me to resign from teaching kindergarten we knew that sacrifices would be prevalent in our future. We also knew that time with our boys would be well worth the sacrifices. We prayed, budgeted, prayed and leaped. During this time we have taken on an unexpected car payment, change of salary, change of insurance, accepted a job change , moved, and felt the recession in the "car business". However with each change or set back we have readjusted and continued to keep our goal a priority! We never made a set plan of how long I would be away from work we simply knew that we wanted to be with our boys. During one of my "break downs" when I called my mom for moral support. She said something that really impacted me and has continued to replay in my mind. She shared that she is proud of us! She said the fact that we are willing to make sacrifices and focus on what is truly important to our family makes our decision all that more meaningful! During stress full times there are occasions were it seems as though going back to work seems like such an easy solution to so many circumstances. Yet......we both believe the burdens that would follow going back to work would outweigh the burdens we are currently facing. But I also realize that GOD'S plan may be different than ours and I need to concentrate on prayer. It's easy to see the immediate future but the "big picture" is only in his eyes. Once again I feel tremendously grateful to be married to such a loving, supportive, and compassionate man. I am grateful to spend the rest of my life with a man that cherishes his wife and children. Many men would have said just go back to teaching. After all we are paying a hefty student loan payment each month but Casey has continued to share and support my desires. Only one knows our future and we pray for guidance, understanding, and wisdom. We pray that we are patient and truly listen and follow his plan. It can be super scary trying to make decisions on your own. So I am so glad we aren't!
Thank you Father for your love and protection!
God Bless!


  1. Praying for you/with you! I think when we make the "leap" then we are challenged to trust Him even more than before b/c we rely on Him not ourselves. Very difficult decisions I know, Keep the Faith!!!

  2. So completely understand how you feel as I'm facing so much of it myself right now. While I like to always have a plan and feeling of control, the relief is that I'm not, which is great since I can see only a small piece of the puzzle. So grateful I'm not in charge!
