Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lucky to be where I am...

I was recently reminded what an amazing gift it is to be teaching preschool at School for Little People. The clear cut reasons being....I am with my boys, I am only teaching 3 hours a day, and I have the opportunity to reach children at such young ages. The un-obvious reason being the ladies I work with. It is easy to take for granted the people you work with and overlook how fortunate you are. (Don't get me wrong when I was teaching Kindergarten I LOVED the people I worked with and I realize that I will probably never ever have that again in the public school system. They were awesome!) But God knows what our heart desires and he provides. Thank you God because you have surely provided for us some months since I quit teaching full time.

Back to the point.....when I made the transition to teaching part time it was simple to see the reasons and how great it was going to be. What I didn't predict was how lucky I was to become one of "them". The teachers at SLP are a very close group of ladies that have been teaching together for many many years. Each with strong personalities and beliefs. I was a little apprehensive about entering the click. After the annual shopping trip I immediately realized another reason God supported this change for our family. I am surrounded by supportive, caring, funny, real, Godly, dedicated ladies that have a passion for their job. They teach because they want to and they love seeing children thrive and achieve. They all exhibit such amazing qualities. I love how truly honest I can be with them. It's a challenge to feel that way with the people you work with. It is easy to keep a small shield up. Yet with these women it is different. Thank you God for surrounding me with such supportive non judgemental women. They understand life and LOVE GOD!

Well, every Friday the teachers try to meet in the morning for breakfast and prayer. It is a great time to catch up and share stories. Many Fridays are very busy and breakfast is pushed to the side. This past Friday one teacher said she wanted to have a party since we have missed several lately. She also requested that each teacher bring a list...the list was to include something about each teacher. We all prepared our lists (or as some said our progress reports) and copies were made to share with each individual. As we read them together we laughed, smiled, nodded, and yes a few cried(me). It was such a nice reminder of how special each of us are to one another. It was great confidence booster. I told Casey about our breakfast party and told him he should try it at work. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL (Can't you just see that happening.)

My challenge to you is to try and appreciate the people you work with and let them know how much you enjoy them. (Even if you really don't ...pretend and maybe eventually you will)

Ecclesiastes 9:10
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

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